Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sitting At the Table Like A Big Girl !!!

So, this evening I let SG sit in her booster chair at the table like a big girl. I even bought her a Sesame Street placemat which lasted all of about 5 minutes before it was on the floor. At any rate, I have been reading and asking people what the right time is to make this transition and as with all questions I pose about this kid, the answer varies greatly !!! Overall though, she did ok and so we might continue with this. I mean she can't stay in a highchair forever and ever.

On a different note, I took SG to the doctor's office today. She was doing great sitting in the chair next to mine in the waiting room just hanging out (literally she was sort of lounging in the chair) and eating her snack. Actually, I was quite surprised that she was so content with this because there was a whole lot going on in that waiting room. Well, it all went downhill when another Mom with two boys came over and sat down right next to us. In a situation like this, I try very hard to stay away from other kids because I have quickly learned how much a kid's behavior is influenced by another kid's behavior. I thought seriously lady there are a million other seats in this place and you choose the one right next to mine. Oh well, I should have known her lounging behavior was too good to be true!

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